How to use Google Cloud Run with Cloud Functions

Are you looking for a way to run your serverless functions on Google Cloud Platform? Look no further than Google Cloud Run with Cloud Functions! This powerful combination allows you to easily deploy and run your functions in a scalable and efficient way. In this article, we'll show you how to get started with Google Cloud Run and Cloud Functions.

What is Google Cloud Run?

Google Cloud Run is a fully managed serverless platform that allows you to run your containerized applications without worrying about infrastructure. With Cloud Run, you can deploy your applications in seconds and scale them automatically based on demand. Cloud Run supports any language or framework that can run in a container, making it a versatile platform for your serverless needs.

What are Cloud Functions?

Cloud Functions is a serverless compute platform that allows you to run your code in response to events and triggers. With Cloud Functions, you can write code in your favorite language and deploy it without worrying about infrastructure. Cloud Functions supports a wide range of triggers, including HTTP requests, Cloud Storage events, and Pub/Sub messages.

How to use Google Cloud Run with Cloud Functions

To use Google Cloud Run with Cloud Functions, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a Cloud Function
  2. Build a container image for your Cloud Function
  3. Deploy your container image to Google Container Registry
  4. Deploy your container image to Cloud Run

Step 1: Create a Cloud Function

The first step is to create a Cloud Function that will run your code. You can create a Cloud Function using the Google Cloud Console or the gcloud command-line tool. Here's an example of how to create a Cloud Function using the gcloud tool:

gcloud functions deploy my-function \
  --runtime=nodejs12 \
  --trigger-http \

This command creates a Cloud Function named my-function that runs a Node.js 12 runtime and is triggered by HTTP requests. The --entry-point flag specifies the name of the function that will be executed when the Cloud Function is triggered.

Step 2: Build a container image for your Cloud Function

The next step is to build a container image for your Cloud Function. You can use any containerization tool that you're comfortable with, such as Docker or Cloud Build. Here's an example of how to build a container image using Cloud Build:

gcloud builds submit --tag .

This command builds a container image for the Cloud Function and tags it with the name The . at the end of the command specifies the build context, which is the directory where the Dockerfile and other build files are located.

Step 3: Deploy your container image to Google Container Registry

The next step is to deploy your container image to Google Container Registry. This is where your container image will be stored and managed. You can use the gcloud command-line tool to deploy your container image:

gcloud auth configure-docker
docker push

The first command configures Docker to use your Google Cloud credentials. The second command pushes your container image to Google Container Registry.

Step 4: Deploy your container image to Cloud Run

The final step is to deploy your container image to Cloud Run. This is where your Cloud Function will be executed. You can use the gcloud command-line tool to deploy your container image:

gcloud run deploy my-service \
  --image \
  --platform managed \

This command deploys your container image to Cloud Run and creates a new service named my-service. The --image flag specifies the name of the container image that you want to deploy. The --platform flag specifies that you want to use the managed platform. The --allow-unauthenticated flag specifies that you want to allow unauthenticated access to your service.


Google Cloud Run with Cloud Functions is a powerful combination that allows you to easily deploy and run your serverless functions in a scalable and efficient way. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can get started with Google Cloud Run and Cloud Functions today. So what are you waiting for? Start building your serverless applications on Google Cloud Platform today!

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